Monday, July 12, 2010

SQL SERVER – User Defined Functions (UDF) Limitations

UDF have its own advantage and usage but in this article we will see the limitation of UDF. Things UDF can not do and why Stored Procedure are considered as more flexible then UDFs. Stored Procedure are more flexibility then User Defined Functions(UDF).

* UDF has No Access to Structural and Permanent Tables.
o UDF can call Extended Stored Procedure, which can have access to structural and permanent tables. (No Access to Stored Procedure)
* UDF Accepts Lesser Numbers of Input Parameters.
o UDF can have upto 1023 input parameters, Stored Procedure can have upto 21000 input parameters.
* UDF Prohibit Usage of Non-Deterministic Built-in Functions
o Functions GETDATE() etc can not be used UDFs, but can be used in Stored Procedure
* UDF Returns Only One Result Set or Output Parameter
o Due to this it can be used in SELECT statement but can not return multiple result set like Stored Procedure
* UDF can not Call Stored Procedure
o Only access to Extended Stored Procedure.
* UDF can not Execute Dynamic SQL or Temporary Tables
o UDF can not run dynamic SQL which are dynamically build in UDF. Temporary Tables can not be used in UDF as well.
* UDF can not Return XML
o FOR XML is not allowed in UDF
* UDF does not support SET options
o SET options which can change Server level or transaction level settings are prohibited in UDFs. (SET ROWCOUNT etc)
* UDF does not Support Error Handling
o RAISEERROR or @@ERROR are not allowed in UDFs.
* UDF does not support transation control stmt
o commit,save point,rollback ,begin trans are not supported in sql server

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