Friday, January 11, 2013
Difference Between Exec and sp_executesql
/* Difference Between Exec and sp_executesql*/
sp_executesql (also known as "Forced Statement Caching")
• Performance wise good, Recommended
• Allows for statements to be parameterized
• Only allows parameters where SQL Server would normally allow parameters; however, this string can be built using forms of dynamic constructs.
• Has strongly typed variables/parameters – and this can reduce injection and offer some performance benefits!
• Creates a plan on first execution (similar to stored procedures) and subsequent executions reuse this plan
• Need NVARCHAR Data type otherwise will show error
Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 1
Procedure expects parameter '@statement' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'.
EXEC (also known as "Dynamic String Execution" or DSE)
• Performance wise not good, Not recommended
• Do not Allows for statements to be parameterized
• Allows *any* construct to be built
• Treats the statement similarly to an adhoc statement. This means that the statement goes through the same process that adHoc statements do – they are parsed, probably parameterized and possibly deemed "safe" for subsequent executions to re-use
• Does not have strongly typed parameters in the adhoc statement and therefore can cause problems when the statements are executed
• Does not force a plan to be cached.
o This can be a pro in that SQL Server can create a plan for each execution
o This can be a con in the SQL Server needs to recompile/optimize for each execution
o Works with VARCHAR and NVARCHAR
-- Use the following query to test,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestExectuionPlan]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestExectuionPlan](ID) VALUES (1)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestExectuionPlan](ID) VALUES (2)
--- Clean the existing plans
SET @Query = 'SELECT ''Query Using EXEC'' AS ''EXEC'', * FROM [dbo].[TestExectuionPlan] WHERE ID = '
SET @ItemID = 1
EXEC( @Query + @ItemID)
SET @ItemID = 2
EXEC( @Query + @ItemID)
SET @Query = 'SELECT ''Query Using sp_executesql'' AS ''SP_EXECUTESQL'', * FROM [dbo].[TestExectuionPlan] WHERE ID = @ID'
SET @ItemID = 1
EXEC sp_executesql @Query, N'@ID INT', @ID = @ItemID
SET @ItemID = 2
EXEC sp_executesql @Query, N'@ID INT', @ID = @ItemID
-- To view the execution plan, use the following query.
SELECT usecounts, sql FROM sys.syscacheobjects
where dbid = DB_ID()--- ( to retrieve the execution plan of current database)
---- Check the list of queries in output create for sp_executesql and exec
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